Infernal Pact

[GLOG] Domhack Spell List

Found myself brewing up another GLOG game and so in need of a new spell list. I've been enjoying the Arcane Ascension series by Andrew Rowe recently, so I wrote up some spells loosely inspired by the spells in that series combined with a "classic RPG dungeoncrawling" feel.

Casting Assumptions

All characters begin play with 1 MD. Every time you level up you can allocate 1 die to either HD or MD. You can get additional MD from equipment. All scrolls cast with 1 MD before additions by the caster.

Rolling doubles on a cast gives you a temporary penalty (conditions, damage, forgetting a spell, etc). Rolling triples gives you a permanent penalty and is more egregious, like removing HD or MD, minuses to a stat, loss of a limb or sense, etc.

When you cast, you allocate MD from yourself as well as from any other sources you have access to (magic items, locations of power, etc). You roll all the MD as d6s, with [dice] being the number of dice rolled, [sum] being the total sum of the rolled results, [min] and [max] being the minimum and maximum of the individual die results. Any MD that roll a 1-3 value are returned at the end of the cast, you can allocate expended MD amongst any of the sources you pulled MD from. All expended MD return at sunrise.

Common Spells


  1. Featherweight - Reduce the weight of up to [dice] creatures to that of a feather for [sum] minutes.
  2. Air Bubble - Create a bubble of air around the head of [dice] creatures, providing them clean breathable air for [sum]*10 minutes. This allows creatures to breath underwater and protects them from inhaled gases, pheromones, and scents.
  3. Shroud of Wind - Create a buffer of high speed wind around yourself for [sum] minutes. Your shroud deflects any projectile smaller than a javelin, and javelin or larger sized projectiles (thrown boulders, siege weapons) deal half damage.


  1. Geyser - Conjure a powerful stream of water from your pointed finger. It extends [dice]*10' from you and has enough power to push any object smaller than yourself. Struck creatures that aren't moved take [dice] damage every round they're within the geyser.
  2. Fog Cloud - Conjure a cloud of wet fog at your current location, preventing any sight through the cloud. The cloud lasts [dice] minutes.
  3. Water Walk - You can walk on water as if it were any other surface. Lasts [sum]*10 minutes and targets [dice] creatures.


  1. Fireball - Hurl a bead of explosive flame to a location within 30 feet of yourself. On impact, the bead explodes dealing [sum] damage to all creatures within [dice]*5'.
  2. Roaring Bonfire - Conjure a bonfire on a surface adjacent to you. The fire burns bright and hot, enough to protect any creature within 30' from the cold and the dark (or creatures composed of either). The fire does not need additional fuel and does not burn a creature who touches it, though it can still be used to cook food. Lasts [sum] hours.
  3. Searing Ray - Shoot a line of superheated flame from the tip of your finger to a target within sight. Struck creature takes [sum] damage, struck objects are set aflame.


  1. Shockwave - Stomp the ground and destabilize nearby creatures standing on the same surface. All creatures within [dice]*5' take [dice] damage and fall prone. You deal [sum] damage to the surface you're on, irrelevant unless you're standing on a raised floor.
  2. Stoneskin - Coat the skin of [dice] creatures with a layer of protective stone. The armor absorbs up to [sum] damage before crumbling to dust.
  3. Geologic Timescale - Turn yourself to stone over the span of a minute. Once stone, you are immune to external effects (save for dispelling Geologic Timescale itself) and have no need for sustenance or sleep. Effects which require a living creature fail while you are stone. Lasts [dice] days.


  1. Gray Man - Mask your features and make yourself uninteresting for [dice] hours. You're non-detectable by natural senses but won't be able to fool detection spells. You can perform discrete actions and remain hidden, but doing anything too out of the ordinary will break the illusion.
  2. Shadowstitch - Sew yourself or a touched creature back together with scraps of shadow. Target heals [sum] HP.
  3. Shadowstep - Move to an unlit area within sight.


  1. Trick of the Light - Create a two-dimensional illusory image at a spot within sight. The image moves as you command, though it does not make sound. Lasts [sum] minutes.
  2. Alarm - Create an invisible line surrounding an area no larger than a [dice]*5' radius circle that lasts for [sum] hours. You're silently alerted via telepathy whenever a creature passes through the line.
  3. Camouflage - Bend light around up to [dice] creatures for [sum] minutes, becoming non-visible while standing still. Movement on the part of the targets or other non-optical senses still allow for some perception of the spell targets.


  1. Heal - Heal [dice] creatures within 60' a combination of [sum] HP in whatever combination you'd like.
  2. Lifesense - Sense nearby living creatures with at least 1 HD within 60' for [sum] minutes.
  3. Purify - Remove toxins from [dice] touched creatures or alternatively, dispel one creature of a spell effect cast with [dice] or lower MD.


  1. Autopsy - Learn how and when up to [dice] touched creatures died.
  2. Sever Spirit - Deal [sum] damage to a touched target. They lose [dice] MD.
  3. Banish - Target undead creature with [sum] HP or lower 60' dissolves to dust.


  1. Analyze - Learn the exact HD, HP, MD of a creature within sight as well as the names of its spells known and/or abilities.
  2. Perfected Cast - Alter the next spell a consenting caster casts (including yourself), allowing you to choose the results of the MD as they're "rolled".
  3. Tongues - [Dice] creatures within sight can speak and understand any spoken language, assuming they have any knowledge of language at all. Lasts [sum]*10 minutes.


  1. Locate Object - Sense the location of an object similar to a touched object within [sum]*100'. Can repeat the same "ping" as many times as necessary. Spell lasts [dice]*10 minutes.
  2. Share Sense - Gain the natural senses of a touched creature (living or recently dead) for [sum]*10 minutes.
  3. Sense Secret - You can see secret doors and traps for [sum]*10 minutes.


  1. Match Vector - Associate yourself with a touched object. For the next 6 seconds, any time the object would be moved you are moved the same distance at the same speed.
  2. Swap - Up to [dice]+1 creatures within 60' swap places with each other.
  3. Homing Beacon - Mark a creature within 60'. For the next [dice] minutes, any projectile you fire will strike that target. Projectiles will change their trajectory to bend around obstacles so long as there is still an unblocked path to hit the target.


  1. Heroism - Gain [sum] temporary HP and additional armor and bonus to damage equal to [dice] for [sum] minutes.
  2. Leap - Jump in a straight line up to 60' up to [dice] times.
  3. Enlarge - [Dice] creatures double in size and quadruple in weight for [sum] minutes. They deal double their normal damage while enlarged.

Uncommon Spells

These spells are crosses between two categories of spells and so they get listed under both categories in my personal organization. This means that unfortunately they're duplicated in the list, sorry!


  1. Mist Form - Transform into a cloud of mist 30'x30'x30' for [sum] minutes. At the end of the duration (or at any time prior by you dismissing the spell), you and up to [dice] other creatures within the mist can reform at any point covered by your mist self, with the caster choosing where all targets end up.
  2. Lightning Bolt - A ray of lightning shoots from the tip of your finger straight outwards to the horizon (or until it strikes an object that would block it, like stone). Any creature within the beam takes [sum] damage.
  3. Glowbody - Infuse yourself with empowering light. You glow like a bright lantern for [sum]*10 minutes and while glowing, you gain up to [dice] temporary HP each round. New temporary HP gains overwrite any old temporary HP still remaining.
  4. Breath of Life - Grant 6 temporary HD to all creatures within [dice]*5' of yourself. Affected creatures that have died within the last 6 seconds are brought back to life.
  5. Cloudkill - All creatures within [dice]*5' of yourself with less than [dice] HD die (you are not exempt).
  6. Windsong - Speak a message into the wind and send it to another creature with access to natural air. Include up to [sum] words in your message.
  7. Shatter - Yell a destructive soundwave into being. Up to [dice] objects within 30' comprised mainly of stone, metal, or crystal shatter into dust and shards. Targeted objects must be no larger than the caster.
  8. Teleport - Disappear in a flash of light and reappear at a location within sight. Can transport up to [dice] creatures at once (including yourself).


  1. Mist Form - Transform into a cloud of mist 30'x30'x30' for [sum] minutes. At the end of the duration (or at any time prior by you dismissing the spell), you and up to [dice] other creatures within the mist can reform at any point covered by your mist self, with the caster choosing where all targets end up.
  2. Scour - Remove the top few layers of up to [dice] objects or creatures no larger than yourself within 30'. Remove moss, paint, skin, etc. If you target a creature, they take [sum] damage.
  3. Toxic Tonic - Up to [dice] liquids within 60' become poison. Drunk potions will incapacitate or kill the drinker, toxic pools or wells will put drinkers to sleep, etc.
  4. Zone of Truth - Create a 15'x15' pool of truth serum beneath your feet. Any creature standing within the pool must speak the truth to the best of their abilities. Does not compel speech. Lasts [dice] hours.
  5. Dominate - Forcibly take control of a living creature's body via their blood. Target must be a touched creature with [dice] or less HD. The spell lasts [sum] minutes.
  6. Stygian Plunge - Delve into a touched creature's memories and experience them for yourself. If [dice] is 3+, you can access selectively removed memories or selectively remove them yourself.
  7. Undertow - Pull all creatures and loose objects within [dice]*10' as close to you as possible. Alternatively, push all creatures and objects in the same area to the edge (or as far as possible before reaching an obstacle).
  8. Glaciate - Up to [dice] liquid sources or creatures within 60' rapidly freeze. Creatures are frozen in place for [sum] minutes (or until [sum] damage has been dealt to them), liquid volumes become a solid state for [sum] minutes.


  1. Lightning Bolt - A ray of lightning shoots from the tip of your finger straight outwards to the horizon (or until it strikes an object that would block it, like stone). Any creature within the beam takes [sum] damage.
  2. Metal Control - Bend the shape and form of metal objects in your hands like soft clay. Effect lasts [sum] minutes.
  3. Incinerate Impurities - Burn away up to [dice] discrete negative effects on yourself (poisons, spells, scarring, ephemerals). Deal [sum] damage to yourself.
  4. Revealing Flame - Conjure [dice] handheld flames as bright as a bright lantern. These lights last [sum]*10 minutes. Secret doors, lies, illusions and other deceptions reveal themselves plainly within the light of your flame.
  5. Riot - Up to [max] creatures within sight lose track of their allegiances and inhibitions, causing all but the most cautious to break out into a fight.
  6. Good Friend - Cloak yourself and up to [dice] other touched creatures in illusory auras, causing all who look upon you to see a good friend. Good friends get leeway in procedures, don't get attacked on sight, and get a chance to have a nice cup of hot drink near a warm fire before needing to explain themselves overly much. Lasts [sum]*10 minutes.
  7. Cloak of Flames - Wreath yourself in a ring of fire. Any creature within [dice]*5' takes [max] damage per round. Lasts [sum] minutes.
  8. Morning Sun - Imbue yourself with the light and power of the morning sun. All undead within 60' with less than [dice] HD are instantly incinerated and those with higher HD run in terror. Other creatures with MD within 30' of you cannot make use of their MD for [dice] rounds.


  1. Scour - Remove the top few layers of up to [dice] objects or creatures no larger than yourself within 30'. Remove moss, paint, skin, etc. If you target a creature, they take [sum] damage.
  2. Metal Control - Bend the shape and form of metal objects in your hands like soft clay. Effect lasts [sum] minutes.
  3. Drain Life - Touch a creature and deal [sum] damage to it. You heal [sum] HP.
  4. Growth - All plants and fungi within [dice]*10' grow rapidly to several times their normal maximum size. If no plantlife or fungi are present, species native to the area grow instead.
  5. Bone Weaponry - Your bones extend outwards through your skin, becoming potent magical weapons dealing +[max] as bonus damage for [sum] minutes. Alternatively, turn an external skeleton into [dice] similar magical weapons that each last for 1 minute.
  6. Hibernate - Put yourself into a deep meditation for 1hr. Over that time, you heal [sum] HP and regain [max] MD as if you had seen a sunrise. Your MD do not refresh at the next sunrise.
  7. Shapeshift - Touch a dead creature and change your form to a replica for [sum]*10 minutes. You have the same abilities, stats and HD of the fallen creature. When the spell wears off (or you dismiss it), you maintain the current HP when changing shape back to your original form.
  8. Gravity - All creatures (including you) within [dice]*10' are knocked to the floor as you multiply the gravity several times the normal value. Fragile objects and creatures crumple, creatures your size or smaller cannot move and all other creatures can only crawl 5' a round and deal minimum damage with any attacks. Effect lasts [sum] rounds.


  1. Toxic Tonic - Up to [dice] liquids within 60' become poison. Drunk potions will incapacitate or kill the drinker, toxic pools or wells will put drinkers to sleep, etc.
  2. Riot - Up to [max] creatures within sight lose track of their allegiances and inhibitions, causing all but the most cautious to break out into a fight.
  3. Drain Life - Touch a creature and deal [sum] damage to it. You heal [sum] HP.
  4. Mirror Reflection - Rip your shadow from its place on the ground and welcome it to this plane of existence as your duplicate. Control both yourself and your shadow and share your senses between the two. Your shadow cannot effect the bodies of living creatures. If [dice] is 3+, you can choose to swap the position of yourself and your shadow at the beginning of every round. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  5. Arcane Harvest - Touch a fallen creature and dissolve its corpse. Recover MD equal to the HD of the fallen creature, max [max].
  6. King of the Blind - All creatures within [dice]*10' reverse their senses. If the area is brightly lit and they can normally see in the light, they are blinded by the light. If they can normally hear, they are deafened for the duration. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  7. Nightmare Cloak - Wreath yourself in a cape of nightmares. All living creatures who can see you deal [max] less damage on attacks against you and you deal [max] additional damage on attacks against them.
  8. Spatial Pinch - Shorten the distance between two points within 60' of you to be adjacent to each other. The space in between effectively ceases to exist for the duration of the spell. Lasts [sum] rounds.


  1. Glowbody - Infuse yourself with empowering light. You glow like a bright lantern for [sum]*10 minutes and while glowing, you gain up to [dice] temporary HP each round. New temporary HP gains overwrite any old temporary HP still remaining.
  2. Zone of Truth - Create a 15'x15' pool of truth serum beneath your feet. Any creature standing within the pool must speak the truth to the best of their abilities. Does not compel speech. Lasts [dice] hours.
  3. Revealing Flame - Conjure [dice] handheld flames as bright as a bright lantern. These lights last [sum]*10 minutes. Secret doors, lies, illusions and other deceptions reveal themselves plainly within the light of your flame.
  4. Banish - Send a creature brought to this plane by magic (undead, elementals, demons, angels, etc) back to its home plane for a varying amount of time. Effect lasts [sum] {dice | 1, 2, 3, 4+ | rounds, minutes, hours, days}.
  5. Spirit Sword - Construct [dice] blade(s) made entirely of magic. Striking a creature with one of these swords goes through any form of material armor, natural or otherwise. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  6. Truesight - For [max] rounds you can see through anything. As you might imagine, this can be disorienting.
  7. Spin Fate - Roll every personal roll [dice] extra times for the next [dice] rounds, choosing any of the results at your whim.
  8. Starshine - Radiate a blast of nauseous light. All creatures within [dice]*5' take [sum] damage and can't use their MD on their next turn.


  1. Breath of Life - Grant 6 temporary HD to all creatures within [dice]*5' of yourself. Affected creatures that have died within the last 6 seconds are brought back to life.
  2. Dominate - Forcibly take control of a living creature's body via their blood. Target must be a touched creature with [dice] or less HD. The spell lasts [sum] minutes.
  3. Growth - All plants and fungi within [dice]*10' grow rapidly to several times their normal maximum size. If no plantlife or fungi are present, species native to the area grow instead.
  4. Mirror Reflection - Rip your shadow from its place on the ground and welcome it to this plane of existence as your duplicate. Control both yourself and your shadow and share your senses between the two. Your shadow cannot effect the bodies of living creatures. If [dice] is 3+, you can choose to swap the position of yourself and your shadow at the beginning of every round. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  5. Spirit Sword - Construct [dice] blade(s) made entirely of magic. Striking a creature with one of these swords goes through any form of material armor, natural or otherwise. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  6. Astral Projection - Leave your body behind and fly as an invisible spirit. You can see magic and spirits and move through walls and other solid surfaces while projecting. If you take any damage you return to your body. You can move a maximum of [sum]*10' away from your body while projecting.
  7. Arcane Shield - Reduce the damage by [sum] of the next [max] sources of damage you take.
  8. Progressive Protection - For the next [sum] minutes, you become immune to a source of damage after experiencing it for the first time.


  1. Cloudkill - All creatures within [dice]*5' of yourself with less than [dice] HD die (you are not exempt).
  2. Incinerate Impurities - Burn away up to [dice] discrete negative effects on yourself (poisons, spells, scarring, ephemerals). Deal [sum] damage to yourself.
  3. Bone Weaponry - Your bones extend outwards through your skin, becoming potent magical weapons dealing +[max] as bonus damage for [sum] minutes. Alternatively, turn an external skeleton into [dice] similar magical weapons that each last for 1 minute.
  4. Arcane Harvest - Touch a fallen creature and dissolve its corpse. Recover MD equal to the HD of the fallen creature, max [max].
  5. Banish - Send a creature brought to this plane by magic (undead, elementals, demons, angels, etc) back to its home plane for a varying amount of time. Effect lasts [sum] {dice | 1, 2, 3, 4+ | rounds, minutes, hours, days}.
  6. Isolate - Touched creature cannot communicate for the next [sum] minutes. Other creatures do not understand its attempts at communication either.
  7. Invert Fate - All dice rolls for the next [max] rounds invert their results (20 becomes a 1 on a d20, 5 becomes a 2 on a d6, etc).
  8. Destroy Magic - Up to [dice] touched spells or magical items are stripped of their magic. Particularly powerful spells might require additional targeting.


  1. Windsong - Speak a message into the wind and send it to another creature with access to natural air. Include up to [sum] words in your message.
  2. Stygian Plunge - Delve into a touched creature's memories and experience them for yourself. If [dice] is 3+, you can access selectively removed memories or selectively remove them yourself.
  3. Hibernate - Put yourself into a deep meditation for 1hr. Over that time, you heal [sum] HP and regain [max] MD as if you had seen a sunrise. Your MD do not refresh at the next sunrise.
  4. King of the Blind - All creatures within [dice]*10' reverse their senses. If the area is brightly lit and they can normally see in the light, they are blinded by the light. If they can normally hear, they are deafened for the duration. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  5. Spin Fate - Roll every roll [dice] extra times for the next [dice] rounds, choosing any of the results at your whim.
  6. Astral Projection - Leave your body behind and fly as an invisible spirit. You can see magic and spirits and move through walls and other solid surfaces while projecting. If you take any damage you return to your body. You can move a maximum of [sum]*10' away from your body while projecting.
  7. Mindshield - Protect yourself and your thoughts from spells and effects for the next [sum]*10 minutes.
  8. Telepathy - Communicate mentally with up to [sum] other creatures within sight for [dice] minutes.


  1. Shatter - Yell a destructive soundwave into being. Up to [dice] objects within 30' comprised mainly of stone, metal, or crystal shatter into dust and shards. Targeted objects must be no larger than the caster.
  2. Good Friend - Cloak yourself and up to [dice] other touched creatures in illusory auras, causing all who look upon you to see a good friend. Good friends get leeway in procedures, don't get attacked on sight, and get a chance to have a nice cup of hot drink near a warm fire before needing to explain themselves overly much. Lasts [sum]*10 minutes.
  3. Shapeshift - Touch a dead creature and change your form to a replica for [sum]*10 minutes. You have the same abilities, stats and HD of the fallen creature. When the spell wears off (or you dismiss it), you maintain the current HP when changing shape back to your original form.
  4. Nightmare Cloak - Wreath yourself in a cape of nightmares. All living creatures who can see you deal [max] less damage on attacks against you and you deal [max] additional damage on attacks against them.
  5. Truesight - For [max] rounds you can see through anything. As you might imagine, this can be disorienting.
  6. Isolate - Touched creature cannot communicate for the next [sum] minutes. Other creatures do not understand its attempts at communication either.
  7. Effortless Dodge - See the results of all attacks and movements in the next [dice] rounds. Mechanically, you can dodge all incoming attacks and land all outgoing attacks for the duration.
  8. Eyeteeth - Fire magical arrows from your eyes, each dealing [max] damage. You can repeat this effect for [sum] minutes.


  1. Teleport - Disappear in a flash of light and reappear at a location within sight. Can transport up to [dice] creatures at once (including yourself).
  2. Undertow - Pull all creatures and loose objects within [dice]*10' as close to you as possible. Alternatively, push all creatures and objects in the same area to the edge (or as far as possible before reaching an obstacle).
  3. Cloak of Flames - Wreath yourself in a ring of fire. Any creature within [dice]*5' takes [max] damage per round. Lasts [sum] minutes.
  4. Starshine - Radiate a blast of nauseous light. All creatures within [dice]*5' take [sum] damage and can't use their MD on their next turn.
  5. Progressive Protection - For the next [sum] minutes, you become immune to a source of damage after experiencing it for the first time.
  6. Invert Fate - All dice rolls for the next [max] rounds invert their results (20 becomes a 1 on a d20, 5 becomes a 2 on a d6, etc).
  7. Telepathy - Communicate mentally with up to [sum] other creatures within sight for [dice] minutes.
  8. Effortless Dodge - See the results of all attacks and movements in the next [dice] rounds. Mechanically, you can dodge all incoming attacks and land all outgoing attacks for the duration.


  1. Glaciate - Up to [dice] liquid sources or creatures within 60' rapidly freeze. Creatures are frozen in place for [sum] minutes (or until [sum] damage has been dealt to them), liquid volumes become a solid state for [sum] minutes.
  2. Morning Sun - Imbue yourself with the light and power of the morning sun. All undead within 60' with less than [dice] HD are instantly incinerated and those with higher HD run in terror. Other creatures with MD within 30' of you cannot make use of their MD for [dice] rounds.
  3. Gravity - All creatures (including you) within [dice]*10' are knocked to the floor as you multiply the gravity several times the normal value. Fragile objects and creatures crumple, creatures your size or smaller cannot move and all other creatures can only crawl 5' a round and deal minimum damage with any attacks. Effect lasts [sum] rounds.
  4. Spatial Pinch - Shorten the distance between two points within 60' of you to be adjacent to each other. The space in between effectively ceases to exist for the duration of the spell. Lasts [sum] rounds.
  5. Arcane Shield - Reduce the damage by [sum] of the next [max] sources of damage you take.
  6. Destroy Magic - Up to [dice] touched spells or magical items are stripped of their magic. Particularly powerful spells might require additional targeting.
  7. Mindshield - Protect yourself and your thoughts from spells and effects for the next [sum]*10 minutes.
  8. Eyeteeth - Fire magical arrows from your eyes, each dealing [max] damage. You can repeat this effect for [sum] minutes.