Infernal Pact

Megadungeon Book Club 9: Castle Triskelion 6

I'm taking part in Studio 315b's Megadungeon Book Club! We're looking at Castle Triskelion by Tim Stypinski for the next couple weeks. Studio315b compiled the rest of the dungeon and we've been reading along with that. Check out their post for the week here.

Check out my post from last week here.

Inner Ward, 1st Floor

This floor slaps, it's a huge breath of fresh air after the Outer Ward. Most of the rooms have an explicit Thing going on in them and even the ones that don't are evocative and quickly passed over (paired washing rooms, trade rooms, etc). Feels like there's more juice this floor than everything I've read so far combined.

You've got your weird secret chapels, complete with statue that maybe PCs can appease and never-ending fonts of unholy water. You've got your big focus on verticality with several rooms extending or interacting with other floors above or below them. You've got your casinos, complete with NPCs from other areas present. You've got your paired puzzle rooms and your unique NPC lairs. This floor rules.

The keying and map layout is still confusing as it doesn't match any common method of keying rooms, as is normal by now. The maps could still be better with showing windows and ways to see into other rooms, a fact that is much more apparent here with all of its interconnectedness. These complaints are largely going to stay the same throughout the dungeon though as near as I can tell, so I can't hold it against this floor in particular. All in all, a smash hit here on the 1st Floor after a pretty good Ground Floor too.

#MDBC #review