Infernal Pact

Reflections on an Open Table after 20-ish Sessions

My Knave2e open table (Hither and Yon Infinite) recently finished its 21st session. It's not the longest open table I've ever ran (yet), but it is the first one that I feel like I could run forever. My normal method of running campaigns is to get extremely excited about the initial idea and run sessions up until I come to a good stopping point or run out of gas and cancel the game entirely. This game is one of the few that I get renewed spurts of excitement about, even months into the project.

I credit that excitement largely to blogging about the game and discussing it online. Keeping track of my session notes (also a new thing), rewording them enough to make them comprehensible enough as a session recap to at least the players that were there, and discussing the articles after has forced me to reflect much more on past sessions instead of just continuing to plow onwards in a campaign. The results of the mere-measurement of my sessions have resulted in me thinking quite a bit more about the campaign over a longer period instead of doing all of the thinking all at once at the beginning.

To that end, I thought it might be useful [to later-me, to others] to list the major considerations I'm thinking about for H&Y Infinite currently:

#H&Y Infinite #theory