Infernal Pact

H&Y Infinite Open Table Session 27 (The Bone Horror)

Silvio (Reeves) + Eclair
Tanzy (Duress)
Xavos (Laggs)

Autumn 8th, 6023

After the last bulette hunting trip ended in disaster, Xavos, Silvio and Eclair go looking for more assistance and find Tanzy Redmountain. They explore a bit around the edge of the Sea of Grass trying to come up with a better scheme than the one they had previously ("just run out into the plains and hope we find a bulette that we can kill before it eats us").

Tanzy finds a lone strychnine tree out in the plains and harvests some of the fruit. She processes it down into a fine powder, a powder she knows is incredibly poisonous. The party heads back to Quillbury and buys a sheep for Operation: Bait The Bulette.

Autumn 9th, 6023

The PCs head back out into the Sea of Grass with their sheep in tow. Tanzy uses her Potion Rune spell to cover the sheep in a rune containing a mixture of equal parts strychnine and water. They drive the sheep out away from their group and wait, hoping to catch a bulette with their trap.

Fairly quickly, they're rewarded by the rumbling of earth and the sheep is eaten by a hunting bulette. The amount of strychnine present in the mixture was found to be complete overkill as the bulette rapidly convulses and dies soon after consuming the sheep. The blood and death attracts another bulette, who the party ambush and kill via Xavos's sword and Silvio's Lightning Bolt spell.

The party harvest the bulettes and bring the bones and carapace back to Gelig Nar at the Skullfort so he can make them some armor for fighting zombie ogres. They join the lone ogre in his protected camp at the mouth of the Skullfort while they wait for him to work.

Overnight, the party is attacked by a wave of zombie ogres and a bone horror (a 3-headed skeletal creature on all fours made from 6 or 7 ogre skeletons). Gelig Nar and Silvio quickly dispatch the zombie ogres with bane arrows and spells, but the bone horror is seemingly unaffected by the powerful magics. Xavos and Tanzy think quickly and chop out the creature's front 2 feet, forcing it to crash to the ground. Tanzy then summons her Extradimensional Sphere spell and shoves the bone horror's heads through the mid-air portal before immediately severing the spell, decapitating the bone horror.

Autumn 10, 6023

The party cleans their wounds and helps Gelig Nar with creating the bulette-bone armor. They spend a few days doing this and visiting Vikram and the recently-freed students and staff at Darkwind Academy.

Autumn 13th, 6023

Gelig Nar finishes the bulette-bone armor, a suit of full plate that will automatically attempt to turn (as a cleric) any mindless undead who can see it. The ogre hunter explains to the party that while the armor is powerful, the party is not strong enough to defeat Silthik the necromancer with their strength alone. He recommends they go and find some allies to come and help vanquish the evil ogre magi before he finishes his ritual on Autumn 90th.

#H&Y Infinite #Session Recap