Infernal Pact

H&Y Infinite Open Table Session 31 (Oh Right, The Kid)

Eclair (Reeves)
Regular Phil (Duress)
Xiao (Laggs)

Autumn 28, 6023

The party decides to finally see about permanently dealing with Maximus, the orc princeling they kidnapped. Xiao goes to the Tower at Sedgemarl and gets a quest from Flamagio to join up, he needs to either find an intact gnome body for study or sneak a spy into the theocratic dictatorship in Fairvane. The party collect Maximus from Fort Venigni and head west to the city of Sedgeport.

Autumn 32, 6023

The companions reach the city and get visitor bracelets marking them as "not food." On the directions of the guard, they head inside and get rooms at the local inn "The Universal Donor."

Autumn 33, 6023

The party explores the city, in particular the ships docked at the waterfront and the luxury markets nearby. They meet a gullfolk captain on a merchant ship called the Dogtide named Captain Rita. Captain Rita is willing to take Maximus on board her ship as a deckhand, but is also interested in Phil's skills as a tailor to craft her some magic sails to move faster. Regular Phil spends a bit of time buying ingredients for crafting magic items before renting a workshop and getting to work on a sample.

Autumn 34, 6023

The party meets back up with Captain Rita the next morning before the outgoing tide. Phil provides the captain a bone saber in an impressive scabbard as a gift in exchange for taking on Maximus as a deckhand. Captain Rita offers to bring Phil along with her for a season, still ultimately wanting the magic crafter to make her some magic sails at some point. Regular Phil accepts the captain's offer and goes aboard.

Eclair and Xiao head back to Circlebrook.

*Note: This was a fairly uneventful session and was made up almost entirely by "The Town Game" as named by Ben Robbins. We've had a few sessions in a row with similar situations like this where the players spend most of their time engaging directly with NPCs, politics or intrigue directly. This is normally exactly what I want in a game!

In an open table with theoretically different groups of players though, these types of sessions drag on. The "usual suspect" players of Reeves, Duress and Laggs + myself discussed this after this session and endeavored to try to "go into a dark hole" more often in games and keep intrigue in the Discord server instead.*

#H&Y Infinite #Session Recap